【通知】摘要征集 | 2023年地理学与可持续性国际学术会议

发布日期:2023-08-09 | 浏览次数:





2022-2023年是联合国确定的基础科学促进可持续发展国际年(International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development),由联合国教科文组织牵头,以彰显基础科学对实现可持续发展的重要作用。地理学是研究人地系统耦合及其相互作用的综合性学科,对于促进可持续发展有着天然学科优势,为可持续发展提供了重要的基础理论、方法、模型和数据。地理学家在探索自然科学与社会科学的联系作出了突出贡献,为可持续发展提供了智力支持。









  • ●傅伯杰(北京师范大学、中国科学院生态环境研究中心、国际地理联合会副主席

  • Michael Edward Meadows(南非开普敦大学、南京大学、国际地理联合会主席


  • 宋长青(北京师范大学)

  • 张国友(中国地理学会)









1. Carbon emissions, sequestrations and carbon neutrality


  • 张扬建(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,研究员)

  • Jonathan Adams (南京大学,教授)

2. Climate-smart conservation


  • Walter Musakwa (南非约翰内斯堡大学,教授)

  • Regis Musavengane (南非约翰内斯堡大学,研究员)

3.Coupled Human-cultivated land utilization systems


  • 孔祥斌(中国农业大学,教授)

  • 谈明洪(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,研究员)

  • 柯新利(华中农业大学,教授)

4. Dryland climate change and water cycle


  • 黄建平(兰州大学,院士/教授)

  • 于海鹏(中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,教授)

5. Dryland sustainability


  • 吕楠(中科院生态环境研究中心,研究员)

  • David Eldridge(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,教授)

  • 邵长亮(中国农业科学院,研究员)

  • 丁婧祎(北京师范大学,讲师)

6. Earth observation and big earth data for sustainability


  • 吴炳方 (中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,研究员)

7.Ecological security, risk, and sustainability in urbanization


  • 彭建(北京大学,教授)

  • 刘焱序(北京师范大学,副教授)

8.Ecosystem service flow and payment for ecosystem service


  • 李晶(陕西师范大学,教授)

  • 刘宪锋(陕西师范大学,副教授)

9.Geography education and sustainable development


  • Paulo Pereira(米科拉斯·罗梅里斯大学,教授)

  • 赵文武 (北京师范大学,教授;国际地理联合会“面向未来地球的地理学:人地系统耦合与可持续发展”专业委员会,主席)

10.Human-nature coupling system and sustainability


  • 王帅(北京师范大学,教授)

  • Örjan Bodin(瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学,教授)

  • 陈海滨(西北农林科技大学,教授)

11.Land degradation as a local and global challenge


  • Matija Zorn (斯洛文尼亚科学与艺术学院,教授;国际地理联合会土地退化与荒漠化委员会,主席)

12. Landscape dynamics and extreme events in the Himalaya: experiences and case studies


  • Pankaj Kumar (印度德里大学,教授)

  • Manish Kumar (印度哈里亚纳邦中央大学,讲师)

  • Shipra Singh (印度米兰达学院,讲师)

13.Land use/land Cover change and sustainable development


  • Monica Dumitrascu (罗马尼亚科学院地理学研究所;国际地理联合会土地利用与土地覆盖变化委员会,主席)

14. Nature-based Solutions for disaster risk reduction


  • Carla Ferreira (葡萄牙科英布拉理工学院,研究员)

  • Zahra Kalantari (瑞典皇家理工学院,教授)

  • 潘浩之(上海交通大学,教授)

  • Karen Sudmeier-Rieux(德国科隆大学,研究员)

  • Milica Kasanin-Grubin(塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学,研究员)

15. Nature-based Solutions for synergy of social-ecological-economic development


  • 罗明(自然资源部国土整治中心(自然资源部土地科技创新中心)土地整治重点实验室,主任)

  • 王军(自然资源部国土整治中心(自然资源部土地科技创新中心),基础研究所所长)

  • 张琰(IUCN中国代表处,主任)

  • Emmanuelle COHEN-SHACHAM(美国IUCN生态系统管理委员会NBS专家组组长)

  • 余兆武(复旦大学,教授)

16. Rural geography in achieving sustainable development


  • 龙花楼(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,教授)

  • 张英男(浙江大学,副研究员)

17. Smart cities and sustainability in comparative perspective


  • Gary Sigley (beplay体育手机版app ,教授)

  • Marcus Foth (澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学,教授)

  • 张萌萌(beplay体育手机版app,讲师)

18. Sustainable development goals: assessments, interactions, and advancing pathways


  • 武旭同(北京师范大学;国际地理联合会地理学与可持续性青年工作组,共同主席)

  • Gabriela Morosanu(罗马尼亚科学院地理学研究所;国际地理联合会地理学与可持续性青年工作组,主席)

19. Sustainable transformation of agricultural land system


  • 邓祥征(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,教授)

  • Hua Qin (美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校,副教授)

  • John Gibson (新西兰怀卡托大学,教授)

20. Sustainable water resources management in agriculture under drought scenario


  • Paolo Tarolli(意大利帕多瓦大学,教授)

  • Eugenio Straffelini (意大利帕多瓦大学)

21. Third pole environment and sustainability


  • 孙建(中国科学院青藏高原研究所,教授)

  • Hua Shang (美国罗格斯大学)

22. Transitional geospace and human-nature coupling for sustainability


  • 邓伟(四川师范大学,教授)

  • 朱连奇(河南大学,教授)

  • 白军红(北京师范大学,教授)

  • 刘金铜(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,教授)

  • 赵宇鸾(贵州师范大学,教授)

  • 张少尧(四川师范大学,副教授)

23. Understanding hazards and risks for sustainable development


  • Takashi Oguchi (日本东京大学,教授;国际地理联合会灾害与风险委员会,主席)

24. Urban green spaces and sustainability


  • 李龙(中国矿业大学副教授)

  • 于新洋(山东农业大学,讲师)

  • 李长龙 (广州商学院,讲师)

25. Urban sustainability: coupling social-ecological systems to overcome climate and biodiversity crises


  • Michael Meadows(南京大学,教授;国际地理联合会,主席)

  • 孔繁花(南京大学,教授)

  • Ariane Middel (美国亚利桑那州立大学,副教授)


* 以名字的首字母为序

Bojie Fu,Beijing Normal University; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Dr. Bojie Fu is a distinguished professor of Geography and Landscape Ecology. He is the honorary Dean of Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University and Professor of Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is an elected Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, International Honorary Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His research areas are landscape pattern and ecological processes, land use and land cover change, ecosystem services and sustainable development. Prof. Fu is the Vice President of the International Geographical Union (2018-2026), former Vice President of Future Earth China Committee (2014-2022), former President of the Geographical Society of China (2015-2019), former Vice President of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (2009-2013). He won numerous prestigious awards for his seminal accomplishments, including the Distinguished Service Award of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, The Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Prize, the Alexander von Humboldt Medal of the European Union of Geosciences, China National Natural Science Prize, TWAS - Lenovo Science Award, the Tan Kah Kee Earth Science Award – Earth Sciences, and the third National Innovation Excellence Prize. Prof. Fu has published more than 600 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 10 books with more than 400 papers published in SCI-indexed journals such as Science, Nature, Nature Geoscience, Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, Nature Ecology & Evolution, Science Advances, National Science Review, etc. He serves as Editor in Chief of many journals such as Geography and Sustainability, Chinese Geographical Science, and Acta Ecologica Sinica.

Chansheng He,Western Michigan University, USA

Dr. Chansheng He, professor of geography, is a Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Western Michigan University. He is a Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Fellow of American Association of Geographers (AAG), and has received Fulbright – University of Leeds Distinguished Scholar Award, AAG Water Resources Specialty Group Gilbert F. White Distinguished Career Award, and Fulbright Senior Specialist Awards. He serves on the editorial boards of Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, and Geography and Sustainability. His research involves watershed hydrology, soil hydrology, nonpoint source pollution, land-atmosphere interactions, and water resources management, but mainly focuses on integration of in situ observations, remote sensing, GIS, and simulation models to better observe, understand, and analyze how land use/cover change resulting from human- environmental interactions affects the watershed hydrological processes and water cycles at multiple spatial scales and provides feedback to the land-atmosphere interactions. He is a reviewer for over 20 international funding agencies and for >50 journals.

Charles Karangwa,IUCN Nature based Solutions (NbS) Management Hub

Charles Karangwa is the Global Head of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Management Hub based in Gland, Switzerland. Before joining IUCN HQ, he served as Regional Head of Land Systems, Covering Forests, Drylands, Nature Based Solutions, Sustainable Agriculture at IUCN, Africa Region. He served as Country Representative for Rwanda since January 2016 and was appointed Country Representative for Kenya starting from 1stof June 2022. Charles have led IUCN Work on Land restoration in Africa as part of the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration,Bonn ChallengeandAFR100, he engaged both Governments and Non States actors to bring Africa’s commitments to land restoration up to speed since 2016. In 2020, he joined theCOP26 High Level Champion teamas the lead for land restoration in Africa and worked to engage private sector and other Non-State Actors for an ambitious climate action toRace to ZeroandRace to Resilienceby 2050.

With more than 18 years of Experience in interface between sustainable development, conservation, and sustainable finance in Africa and South East Asia, Charles focused his workon Climate Change, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, nature-based solutions, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable finance. Prior to joining IUCN in 2016, Charles worked for UNHCR, WCS, Oxfam Novib and Care International.

David Eldridge,University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. David Eldridge is Professor at the School of Biological, Earth and EnvironmentalSciences, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia. He has more than 40 years of experience in rangeland management and assessment, and the ecology of dryland systems. He is an editor of Restoration Ecology and has published over 300 papers in international journals. Over the past decade David’s research has focused on the effects of grazing on ecological processes, shrub encroachment, animal effects on soils and the ecology and management of soils in drylands and urban greenspaces.

Fahu Chen,Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Dr. Fahu Chen is CAS Academician elected in 2015, The Member of the World Academy of Sciences (TWASelected in 2016, a research professor and director of Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). He is the president since 2019 and fellow of Geographical Society of China (GSC), andassociate Chairman of Environment Evolution Commission of IGU since 2012. Prof. Chenwasa professor for physical geography and Quaternary Science in Lanzhou University during 1994-2018, and director of keyLaboratory of West China's Environmental System (Ministry of Education of China)during 2005-2016. He was chairman of Rapid Climatic Changes in the Central-Asia's Dryland under INQUA (INQUA RACHAD Working Group, 1999-2007), and now is vice presidents ofChina Society on Tibetan Plateau, and China Quaternary Research Associate. Hisscientific work involvesQuaternary environmental changes (especial during Holocene), climate changes, environmental archeology, loess record,desertevolutionand palaeolimnology with special focus on paleoenvironmental reconstruction, past human-environment interactions in Arid Central Asia and the Tibetan Plateau. He has published more than 690 papers in peer-reviewed journals of both English and Chinese with more than 420 papers published in SCI journals such as Nature, Science, NCC, NC, NS, PNAS, QSR, which are cited more than 19900 times by papers of SCI journals with H index of 69, and carried on numerous projects from China National Natural Science Foundation, Ministry of Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Science,and Ministry of Education. Most of them are involved by international research groups.Currently,he is ExecutiveEditors-In-Chief ofScience Bulletin, Editors-In-Chief of Scientia Geographica Sinica, associate editorsofGeoscience and Society section, Frontiers in Earth Science, Fundamental Research,Frontier of Earth Science, and editors of Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, Geography and Sustainability, One Earth, andsome associateeditorsand editorsof journalsin Chinese.

Holly Barcus,Macalester College, USA

Dr. Holly Barcus, DeWitt Wallace Professor of Geography at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Her research interests reside at the intersection of migration, ethnicity and rural peripheries with her primary research areas including Mongolia and remote regions of the United States. Her core research is situated in western Mongolia amongst the Kazakh population considering questions of place identity, ethnicity, environment, and changing migration trajectories. Additionally, she works rural regions of the United States, including Appalachia, the Great Plains and the Great Lakes.She holds degrees from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Kansas State University and The Australian National University.She currently serves as the Director of Asian Studies at Macalester College and Vice President & Treasurer of the Executive Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU).

Jianguo Liu,Michigan State University, USA

Dr. Jianguo (Jack) Liu is a world leader in systems integration for sustainability (e.g., integration of ecology with social sciences, policy, and technologies for understanding and promoting global sustainability). He holds the Rachel Carson Chair in Sustainability, is University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University, and serves as director of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability. He is particularly keen to connect seemingly unconnected issues, for example, telecoupling, divorce, and environmental sustainability. Prof. Liu is a former president of US-IALE (U.S. Regional Association, International Association for Landscape Ecology) and is chairing the Committee on “Research at Multiple Scales” of The National Academies. He has served on editorial boards of many international journals such as Science. His pioneering work has been recognized by numerous prestigious awards, including the Eminent Ecologist Award of the Ecological Society of America, Gunnerus Award in Sustainability Science from the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters & the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and the World Sustainability Award from the MDPI Sustainability Foundation in Switzerland. He is an elected member of the American Philosophical Society, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters.

Michael Meadows,University of Cape Town, South Africa;Nanjing University, China

Dr. Michael Meadows is President of the International Geographical Union, Professor in the School of Geography and Ocean Sciences at Nanjing University and is a Senior Research Scholar in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town, where he was Head of Department from 2001-2017. Meadows has authored or co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed research articles and edited several special editions of international journals.More substantial works include the co-editedSouthern African Geomorphology (Sun, 2012) andGeomorphology and Society(Springer, 2016) and he is currently co-editing volumes entitledResearch Directions, Challenges and Achievements of Modern Geography(Springer) andGeography of the Anthropocene(Istanbul University Press).His research interests lie broadly in the field of physical geography and more specifically concern Quaternary environmental change and the geomorphological and biogeographical impacts of geologically recent natural and anthropogenic changes. Meadows is an elected Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, the Society of South African Geographers, the Royal Society of South Africa, the African Academy of Science,Academia Europaeaand of the University of Cape Town.Most recently, he was elected as Fellow of the Geographical Society of China and of the International Science Council.

Peijun Shi,Beijing Normal University, China

Dr. Peijun Shi is a professor of geography at Beijing Normal University. He is the deputy dean of the Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Ministry of Emergency Management and Ministry of Education of China. Prof. Shi is an academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences. He is the co-chair of the scientific committee of the Integrated Risk Governance Project, a core project of Future Earth and the International Human Dimensions Programme of Global Environmental Change. He also services as the member of the UNISDR Scientific and Technical Advisory Group, the chairman of the Asia Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for DRR, the jury member of the Volvo Environment Prize, the chairman of The Expert Committee of National Disaster Reduction Commission of China, the vice chairman of The Insurance Society of China, and the member of the Expert Group of the State Emergency Management Office under The State Council of China. Prof. Shi’s research focuses on the theory of natural disasters and risk management.

Ya Ping Wang,University of Glasgow, UK

Dr.Ya Ping Wang is Chair Professor in Global City Futures at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University Glasgow. He is Director and Principal Investigator of the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC), a multi-national collaborative project funded by the UKRI Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF). Professor Wang’s research focusses on urbanisation,housing, rural to urban migration, urban poverty and neighbourhood changes in China and other developing countries. He is author/co-author ofHousing Policy and Practice in China;Urban Poverty, Housing and Social Change in China, andPlanning and Housing in the Rapidly Urbanising World.Professor Wang recently led several major international collaborative research projects on urban transformation and neighbourhood studies involving over 100 researchers from UK, China and six other Asian and African Countries.Professor Wang is Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE) and Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences(FAcSS).

Yansui Liu,Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Dr. Yansui Liu is a Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Fellow of Geographical Society of China, and the Yangtze River Scholar. He is a Professor of the Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He serves as Director General of Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS, Director of Technology Innovation Centre for Rural Planning and Governance Engineering, Ministry of Natural Resources, Chair of the International Geographical Union Commission on Agriculture Geography and Land Engineering (IGU-AGLE), Chair of the Alliance of Poverty Reduction and Development (ANSO-APRD). He was a member of the expert advisory committee of the State Council’s Leading Group on Poverty Alleviation and Development, and the expert team leader of the Third-party Evaluation of the “Effectiveness of National Targeted Poverty Alleviation”. He also serves as the Associate Editor of journals including Land Use Policy, Scientia Geographica Sinica, and Economic Geography, and a member of editorial board ofScience Bulletin, and Geography and Sustainability.

Prof. Liu is mainly engaged in the researches of human and economic geography and has made systematic achievements in many research fields, such as urban-rural transformation and rural regional systems, targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, geographical engineering and human-earth system science, etc. He has presided over 70 projects including National Key R&D Projects, National Science and Technology Support Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has won more than 20 awards such as IGU Distinguished Practice Award, TWAS Prize in Social Sciences, the Second Prize of National S&T Progress Award, the First Prize of Provincial and Ministerial S&T Awards, the National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker, National Innovation Award for Poverty Alleviation, and the National Innovation Excellence Prize. He has obtained 16 national invention patents, published 20 books, and more than 580 papers. He has been recognized as one of Most Cited Chinese Researchers in Social Sciences since 2015, and one of Global Highly-Cited Researchers since 2018.

Yonglong Lu,Xiamen University, China

Dr. Yonglong Lu is a Chair Professor of Xiamen University, Dean of College of the Environment and Ecology, and Director of International Institute for Sustainability Science. He is an elected Fellow ofTWAS(The World Academy of Sciences); a foreign member of Academia Europaea (AE) and the Russian Academy of Sciences; an elected fellow ofInternational Science Council; a member of UN Secretary General’s 10-member Group for SDGs (sustainable development goals); past President of Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE); President of Pacific Science Association (PSA); Member of International Resource Panel, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP/IRP); Vice President of Ecological Society of China. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief ofEcosystem Health and Sustainability -aSciencepartner journal, an Associate Editor ofScience Advances, and the founder and Associate Editor ofEnvironmental Development.

His research interests include sustainability ecology, environmental geography, and environmental ecology. He has published 360 papers in peer reviewed journals such asScience,Nature,Science Advances,PNAS, Nature Sust. and Nature Comm. He is a highly cited international scientist.He has obtained various awards and honors, including the 2nd Prize of National Award for Advancement of Science and Technology, 1stPrize in Science and Technology for Promoting Development by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2nd Prize and 3rdPrize for Advancement of Science and Technology by the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Green Design International Contribution Award, SCOPE Distinguished Achievement Award, and Scientific Chinese 2019 Outstanding Contribution Award.



赵文武(beplay体育手机版app )

杜怡然(Geography and Sustainability
