【通知】The 4th International DART Workshop September 4-6, 2019, Beijing Normal University, China

发布日期:2019-07-12 | 浏览次数:

The 4thInternational DART Workshop

September 4-6, 2019, Beijing Normal University, China

Organizers: State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Beijing Normal University

Tutors: Jean-Philippe Gastellu-Etchegorry (CESBIO), Tiangang Yin, Jianbo Qi, Biao Cao

Language: English, with Chinese and French support

Number of participants:30persons


- Workshop is free of charge for research and education. Accommodation is on participants own expenses.

- The workshop is from 9am to 6pm every day.

- Participant should come with a laptop (32/64 bits Windows/Linux system, RAM4 Gb), a free DART license to get athttps://www.dart.omp.eu, and expected scientific questions to be discussed during the workshop.

The DART model

DART simulates the3D radiative budget, chlorophyll fluorescence and RS(satellite/airborne/terrestrial) observation (spectroradiometer images, LiDAR waveform/photon counting), from visible to thermal infrared for natural and urban landscapes. Itis a reference tool for RS studies (RS sensitivity to experimental and instrumental configurations, inversion of RS images, design of new RS sensor,…) and forteaching RS/radiative budget physical bases. DART isdeveloped at CESBIO (www.cesbio.ups-tlse.fr) since 1992, with the support of Paul Sabatier University, CNES and CNRS.

Objective of the training

To discover / deepen DART theory, functionalities and use in 5 steps:

1) Short review of physical bases

2) DART theory, functionalities and examples of applications,

3) DART overview with a realistic 3D landscape

4) DART case studies: schematic and realisticexercises

5) Case study of each participant.

Program of the training

1.Short review of physical bases of optical remote sensing

Radiance, reflectance, emissivity, brightness temperature,…

Landscape BOA and TOA radiance, radiative budget,…

Program of the training

2.DARTtheory, Functionalitiesand examples of Applications

a)Theory:flux/photon tracking methods, discrete ordinates,…

b)Major functionalities

Flux tracking (modes R, T, R+T), Monte Carlo, LiDAR.

Landscape modeling, etc.

c)Examples of applications


Preparation of ESA thermal infrared satellite

Training of Artificial intelligence algorithm for tree detection

Mapping urban radiative budget with high spatial resolution satellite images

3.DART overview with a realistic 3D landscape

Work packages (WPs: DART simulations) and the DART User Manual that presents them, are in the DART web site (https://dart.omp.eu).

Interactive presentation of DART functionalities with existing simulation:WP0A

Modification of the existing simulation for illustrating:

- Landscape reflectance spectra (WP0B): multi-spectral simulation + LUT.

- Reflectance as a function of LAI (WP0C): sequencer tool + LUT.

- Time series of landscape reflectance (WP0D): sequencer + LUT time mode.

- Topography and trees (WP0E).

- LiDAR (WP0G), cloud (WP0F).

4.DART case studies: schematic and realisticexercises

4.aFlat surfaces - VIS/NIR/TIR spectral domains: WP1 and WP2

DART functionalities are manipulated with 2D landscapes for reflectance and thermal infrared applications:landscape creation, irradiance / albedo / exitance images, radiance/reflectance/brightness temperature directional images,radiative budget,…

Example of case studies: for which experimental/instrumental configuration, can we detect a fire in a thermal infrared (TIR) pixel? Can we distinguish ice and ground TIR pixels with the same thermodynamic temperature?

4.bSimulation of complex landscapes and configurations: WP3 to WP11

Depending on participants, specific applications are studied:

- Atmosphere simulation: gas and aerosol models, atmosphere geometry,…

- Creation of complex forest, agricultural or urban scene with topography, etc.

- Importation of 3D elements and /or landscapes.

- Simulation of fluorescence, etc.

- Correction of topographic effects on remotely sensed images.

- LiDAR: waveform, solar noise, 3D points derived from waveforms,…

- Radiative budget: forest, urban landscape,…

5.Implementation by each participant of his(her) own case study

Participants can work on their case studies, provided they come with convenient data (DEM, description of tree plantation, urban geometric database, etc.). They are advised to contact the tutors in advance.

Venue: Shengdi Building 180, Xinjiekouwai Street No.19, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Registration contacts:Donghui Xie, Email:xiedonghui@bnu.edu.cn, Phone: (+8610)58805042

Jing Wei,Email:weijing@bnu.edu.cn, Phone: (+8610)58802179

Registration Table:

Fill the table below and then send it to the contactor.






Study field

Did you use DART model before ?



