【通知】GEOSUS 培训开放注册 | 变化环境下基于自然的解决方案与生态系统服务评估

发布日期:2021-06-15 | 浏览次数:


The Nature Based Solutions implementation and Ecosystem Services assessmentin a changing environment Workshop will be held on 23-26 June, 2021. Now the registration is open, we warmly welcome participants worldwide to joinus!

The Nature BasedSolutions implementation and Ecosystem Services assessmentina changingenvironment Workshop23-26 June, 2021





Course Schedule

June 23

08:00-11:15 am (Central EuropeanSummer Time)

/13:00-16:15 pm (Beijing time)

IntroductionWenwu Zhao (10 minutes)Nature based solutions and land degradation in a changing environmentPaulo Pereira (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)Nature based solutions for coastal managementMiguel Inácio (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)Legal Implications of flood managementKatarzyna Bogdzevič (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)

June 24

08:00-11:05am (Central EuropeanSummer Time)

/13:00-16:05 pm (Beijing time)

Basic principles of ecosystem services mappingPaulo Pereira (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)Soil Ecosystem ServicesPaulo Pereira (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)Flood assessment in urban areasNuno Jeronimo (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Lunch/dinner

13:00-15:00am (Central EuropeanSummer Time)

/19:00-21:00pm (Beijing time)

Mapping marine ecosystem servicesMiguel Inácio (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)

June 25

08:00-11:05am (Central EuropeanSummer Time)

/13:00-16:05 pm (Beijing time)

Mapping terrestrial ecosystem servicesPaulo Pereira (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)Mapping Future ecosystem servicesEduardo Gomes (45 minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)How to draft a good paper IPaulo Pereira (45minutes+10 minutes questions)

June 26

08:00-10:00am (Central EuropeanSummer Time)

/13:00-15:00pm (Beijing time)

How to draft a good paperPaulo Pereira (45minutes+10 minutes questions)Coffee break (10 minutes)How to draft a good paperPaulo Pereira (45minutes+10 minutes questions)


Registration link:
https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jbVYn5PFRqm2kgD4LkceCgorhttp://t.hk.uy/tb4You can also scan the QR code to register.


The online classroom will be set via Zoom Webinar and open to all interested participants.This is an online workshop without registration fee.

Key Speaker


Prof. Dr. Paulo Alexandre da Silva Pereira

Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Dr. Paulo Alexandre da Silva Pereira, professor of Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), served as Associate Editor in Chief in Geography and Sustainability,Associate Editor in Science of Total Environment and Heliyon, and guest editor and editor for Catena,Geoderma, Journal of Environmental Management, Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health, Data in Brief, Environmental Earth Sciences, Environmental Research,Journal of Soils and Sediments, Land Degradation and Development, Solid Earth, International Journal of Soil and Water Conservation etc. As an excellent scholar in the field of Ecosystem services, land degradation and experience and editor reviewer, Paulo would like to share his knowledge.
